A huge number of households are struggling every single day with past-due loans, utility bills, back taxes, and credit card debts. When balances carry over in a month-to-month fashion, they tend to become unmanageable. The average consumer has almost $7,000 in revolving balances from credit cards and American families are struggling to pay their creditors. When you begin to factor in auto loans, student loans, and mortgages, it is possible for the average American to carry over $135,000 in debt.
Potential borrowers are contacted through outbound telemarketing from our call center. Once it has been determined that the prospect qualifies to speak with a Debt Agent, the telemarketer transfers the warm lead in a very precise and professional manner. This process helps connect interested prospects with Debt Agents in the most efficient manner possible. If you’re tired of spending valuable time leaving messages, tracking down leads, and waiting for your phone to ring, this may be a viable option for you!
Our Leads System is unique. We have no commitments, no contracts, and no minimums, immediate downloads of your leads, and shopping available 24/7.
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